An object is essentially a data repository of a specific data type. It can be viewed as an entity that contains within it characteristics that describe it. For example, the meetings object contains a database of all the meetings that exist in the system, and within it are all the values that describe each meeting such as the start date, end date, meeting subject, and more.
By performing a metadata read, you can get all the objects that exist in the system. Go to the Get all Objects example.
In addition, you can retrieve all relevant information about a specific object by reading its metadata. Go to the Get an object example.
Objects types
There are objects that come with the system such as accounts, contacts, meetings, tasks, etc. The identifying number of these objects can range from 1 to 1000 (not inclusive).
Additionally, custom objects can be created according to your business needs. The identifying number of these objects starts from 1000 and goes up. For information on custom objects, refer to the custom objects guide.
System fields
Every object in the system comes with six fields by default within it, whether it's a system object or an object you created yourself.
The six fields are:
- ID - displays the ID of the record.
- Owner ID - contains the ID of the user defined as the owner of the record.
- Created On - contains the ID of the creator of the record in the system.
- Created By - contains the date and time the record was created.
- Modified On - contains the ID of the user who last updated the record.
- Modified By - contains the date and time the record was last updated.
Updated over 1 year ago