HTTP status codes

API requests may not always succeed. Reasons for failure can vary. In each case, the API will return an HTTP response status code that indicates the cause of the failure, along with a JSON formatted response body containing additional details.


Authorization header is not present

GET{id} HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized

Bad request parameters

"tokenid: APITOKENID"
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
  "Message": "An internal error has occured while processing your request. Please check your data"

Fireberry encountered an issue

GET{id} HTTP/1.1
"tokenid: APITOKENID"
HTTP/1.1 500 Server Error
  "Message": "An internal error has occured while processing your request. Please check your data"

Types of errors

200SuccessIf data was requested, it can be found in the data field at the top level of the response body.
201CreatedInformation about it can be found in the data field at the top level of the response body. Additionally, the API URL where the object can be accessed is included in the Location header of the response.
400Bad RequestThis is often caused by a missing or incorrectly formatted parameter. Review the documentation and the format of your request, and then try again.
401UnauthorizedThe request could not be associated with a user because a valid authentication token was not provided.
402Payment RequiredThe request is valid, but the specified object or action in the request is not accessible to your plan.
403ForbiddenThe authentication and request syntax were valid, but the server is denying to fulfill the request. This can occur when attempting to access or modify objects or properties that the user does not have permission to.
404Not FoundThe request method and token supplied do not match a recognized action in the API, or the object specified in the request does not exist.
408TimeoutThe request did not meet the reasonable time limit of 30 seconds. Please simplify your request and try again.
429Too Many RequestsYou have surpassed one of the established rate limits in the API. Please refer to the documentation on rate limits for further information.
500Server ErrorThere was a problem on Fireberry's server.


408 Error

In the case of a 408 error, try to simplify the request by reducing filters, decreasing the number of fields, etc., so that the request can complete within a reasonable time. If it still continues, please contact our support team.


403 Error

In the case of a 403 error, the user does not have permission to access the data.
Check the user's role permissions and if necessary, grant them the required permissions.